Sunday, September 3, 2017

Evidence Points to Chlorine Bleached Paper As Highly Responsible for Chemicals in Cigarettes

Evidence has been pointing not to the Tobacco itself as harmful, nor even that the Tobacco is swathed in harmful chemicals. Instead, the chlorine used to bleach the rolling paper white seems to be having an effect. Side effects of this chemical seem to be diarrhea and immediate bowel movement, sudden fatigue, and the feeling of being ill.

***Update: Further research has shown that the use of chemicals in Tobacco is largely if not totally responsible for the negative health effects, rather than the Tobacco itself. Many smokers experience a sore throat, for example, after smoking over ten cigarettes. When the Tobacco is pure, this is not the case. Other issues such as the development of sores in the mouth are consistent with symptoms caused by using toothpaste, indicating an attempt by Tobacco companies to make cigarettes healthier that may have backfired in a way. The use of chemicals in Tobacco is largely to prevent the growth of fungus, just like the use of preservatives in food. The chlorine in bleached paper is responsible for additional chemicals. It is interesting to note that the negative health effects of Tobacco alone may be very small, if not completely negligible.

Widespread attacks against cigarette use in California have been highly popular and increasing in number, in spite of evidence pointing to the importance of Tobacco in fighting antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and parasites. Indeed, there is evidence that the popularization of Tobacco use was key in fighting the epidemic of tuberculosis that began to dwindle in the mid-20th century. Most side effects coming from the chemicals in cigarettes seem to be minor and dismissable completely by those who choose to smoke; however, natural Tobacco when smoked seems to have no side effects. It can even be uplifting with a healthy feeling like a glass of water, juice, or vegetables. Arguments about how butts can cause fires are debatable, as a cigarette butt dropped into a can of gasoline will not even cause it to ignite. However, orange peels and oranges when exposed to heat can combust, showing that fires can be caused by a multitude of sources. There is also evidence that points to lung cancer being caused by nutritional deficiency which could be higher in smokers, as they were killing the opportunistic infections caused by a weakened immune system. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

List of Necessary Vitamins the Body Cannot Do Without (That we often don't always get)

Vitamin D - Seaweed is the best source-promotes bone & teeth growth

Vitamin K - helps blood to clot appropriately and bone & teeth growth

Vitamin A - Carrots or Tomatoes, assists in eye health and other growth

Vitamin C - Orange juice or tomatoes, lack of causes fatigue

B-Complex Vitamins - Growth of all tissues and blood cells

Iodine - Seaweed/potatoes, not sure what it does but it's necessary for your thyroid.

***Update: Looking into the DV list of vitamins and minerals. All of these are on there and more.

Vegetable Oil - 1 oz. per day - has vitamin E, assists in eye health

I'm not 100%, but I am pretty certain that the lack of any one of these will cause negative symptoms and cancer.


***We suggest you talk to a doctor before following this advice. Don’t try or try at your own risk and understand there can be variations.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Revisiting why gravity doesn't make sense

Think for a moment about mars. It's small, but it's travelling slower than Earth. The rules of centrifugal force means that it has significantly less than Earth therefore. Gravity increases the speed of an object the longer it is acting on it, I believe exponentially. Therefore, Mars should either be speeding toward the sun right now or at least in front of Earth.

Think about the moons orbiting Jupiter. The force of gravity from the Sun is strong enough to pull Jupiter to keep it from moving away, and yet it isn't strong enough to pull the moons from out of orbit? Why not? They are revolving around the sun at about the same speed as Jupiter, but they are much smaller. You might think of how distance makes gravity's pull stronger and Jupiter is closer; however, the pull of the sun is strong enough to hold the entire planet of Jupiter at that distance. I would be surprised that it wasn't strong enough to pull the moons out of orbit, but I don't have the science calculated to back that up. Regardless, you can see that there are planets that are bigger and traveling faster than planets smaller and traveling slower. Why is the exponentially increasing pull of gravity seemingly not having an affect on our planetaury solar system?

Ok, so we know that gravity makes heavy and light objects fall at the same speed. However, I would question why. Why does it defy the law of inertia? With some careful logic, I could theorize that gravity pulls on every particle at the same rate, so heavier objects with more particles simply get more gravitational force pulling them, defying inertia. Except... why would it defy inertia unless it was pulling stronger and faster. Therefore, heavier planets should have a faster and stronger pull, thereby needing more speed to counteract by centrifugal force. This is not the case with the planets in our solar system.

To make matter even more confusing, there are some particles that float like hydrogen and helium. We could deduce that it could be displacement causing this, perhaps, but I thought gravity acted equally pulling just as fast on every particle. Why then would one particle be displaced?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I'm Now Taking B Complex Vitamins

I know that I have said time and time again that I don't like anything that's not natural. I have mentioned that I didn't even like vitamins that were artificial. Well, as it turns out, it's just not normal to eat enough grass in today's society. I am still certain we were supposed to eat grass. Anyway, so what I have begun in addition to my one scoop of wheatgrass, seaweed, and carrots or tomatoes is a b complex vitamin regimen. And I have some orange juice.

Why would you want to hear about my life choices in health? Because, the symptoms of deficiency of the right vitamins can be very similar to the following list of ailments:

- Cancer
- leukemia
- dengue fever (common in Africa where poor people have trouble obtaining vitamins)
- Aids
- Valley fever (common in prisons and jails where vitamins might be hard to obtain)

I wouldn't be surprised if this were misdiagnosed as those things on several occasions, because the symptoms are exactly the same.

Benefits of b vitamins include

- synthesis of all tissues, blood cells

- increased metabolism (lack of these causes obesity. If you don't get the right vitamins you feel hungry and keep eating. However, because you didn't get them as they are only present artificially and in grass and things then your metabolism is slow.)

**** I do want to say that I don't think it is necessary to add iron artificially. Too much iron and vitamin c will cause diarrhea in me, and by too much it is only like 25% to 40% of the daily value. I am pretty sure this is why I got diarrhea from the multivitamins before. I still refuse to take them and go with wheatgrass instead. I have felt some diarrhea from the b complex threatening to come out a few times. It could just be that artificial vitamins cause diarrhea sometimes.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Re-examination of the Perennial Economic Dilemma and Solution

From the year 1900 to 1950, the US population doubled, roughly. From the year 1950 to 2010, it doubled again, roughly. However, for the last one hundred years, what did not double or increase at all? The amount of money in circulation distributed by the Federal Reserve remained at $1.6 trillion, the same it has been for a very long time.

Logically, that would mean everyone would have to have less to be able to survive with in savings. However, there are no limits on the amount of money one person or organization can keep. Our society is based on making a lot of money at its foundation, and it is natural for everyone to try to do it and to have savings. Businesses also have it to operate to try to provide for the needs of the masses.

What happens when the population quadruples? There is more demand for goods and services, which means companies have to provide for this, creating a need for large amounts of money in their possession. Also, though, higher demand can increase prices, and we have seen a large increase in inflation. You used to be able to buy coca cola for just 5 cents. Now you cannot.

Why does it increase prices? Well, basically, it has nothing to do with coca cola. The workers at the coca cola factory rent and buy homes, and the housing prices are increasing because people are willing to pay more. They will pay more because it's a necessary thing, and also it isn't easier or cheaper for them to buy land and build their own home. The same goes for the carrot farmers home, and the coca cola workers buy those carrots (so they need to make even more money). Due to other people being unable to afford their expenses, they raise the minimum wage, and then coca cola has to raise its prices to pay its workers.

What else happens when the population quadruples? There is an overall sense that society cannot possibly provide for all of the citizens of the population. Therefore, the poor are left unhelped. One part of the population that has money also has used it to continue to advance technology due to the free market, while the part that does not have any money has to live in poverty, resulting in a society that lives half in prosperity and half in extreme poverty.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Shocking Truth About LGBT

     Growing up, I was somehow led to believe that LGBT was mostly just a choice, or that people were trying to use the excuse that they were "born this way". It is natural to be skeptical, and to think why would someone be born just like every other person but be gay or something. Also, people think, but everyone can be gay... you just have to [insert sexual act] like a homo...

     The truth that I have learned now as an adult is that a lot of lgbt people are actually like a different species of person entirely. Their uniqueness has uniformity across all races and ethnicities; however, they are very clearly different than straight people as far as on a biological species type of level.

    Excuse me for saying "species", but I cannot think of the best word to describe it. That is the only one that fully explains how it is. It is not just that they are gay and that is the only difference. They are on a different spectrum than straight people with a plethora of physical and mental characteristics, truly all of their characteristics with some exceptions. Some of those exceptions are that they are still human, and also they tend to share some kind of common bond with their gender sometimes.

    So, what is the shocking truth? The shocking truth is the sheer number of people who literally have no idea that this is the case. I started to realize that the prejudice surrounding this could be due to the lack of knowledge surrounding their nature by people who are not them and have no desire to be around them long enough to understand.

     The fact that they share human characteristics allows them to blend in to some degree; however, extreme prejudice has led many of them to try to cover up the characteristics and imitate straight people. I think that it is unfair to deny them any equality, considering that it is inhumane. They can't change who they are, and that is what everyone means when they say they are born that way.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Overlooked Miracle - Grass

Note:*** I am uncertain about the nature of wheatgrass in our diet at this time. This is an article for the purpose of hypothesizing. Read and eat at your own risk. Thank you.

I have long touted the amazing health benefits of seaweed. Research has pointed to iodine being beneficial to prevent breast cancer. I have noticed that iodine will help to lessen the severity of colds significantly, if incorporated into your daily regimen. However, what is great about iodine in seaweed is that you can't overdose on it the same way you can overdose on man-made iodine. I have been eating .6 oz of seaweed a day just to get the vitamin D that is in seaweed, of which there is a very high amount (one of the, if not the highest source). I discovered this after reading about research on seaweed that referred to how it has vitamin D3, which is a less developed version and they weren't sure if it would work well in people. It does. It works great. I can tell, because I can feel my teeth growing a measurable amount with my tongue.

Although many animals graze on seaweed that live in the sea, I started to think about how humans are actually supposed to live on land. Then, I started thinking, "What is the most basic food for animals on land that would be similar to seaweed?" At first, I just thought, "Plants." Then, after some more thought, I realized that it could be grass.

When I was young, we were taught in school that only cows could eat grass, because they had a four chamber stomach that could break it down. Literally, they told me specifically that humans could not eat grass! However, there are many articles today that will explain that the cellulose in grass (that they claim we can't break down) is actually just the scientific name for fiber, the healthy nutrient that's great for us!

So, I started reading about wheatgrass, one of the only grasses that people will eat. It's hilarious, because they actually drink it in a powdered (whole leaf or juice concentrate) or juiced form. Imagine the humans of yesterday coming into our society and seeing us refusing to eat the most nutritious thing on earth, except for in a powder; a tiny high priced, seemingly only a luxury item type of version. It's funny if you think about it. Everyone is always afraid of people going hungry, and so they feed them all of this food. Then, suddenly you realize that compared to grass, all other food is practically like a complete waste of time.

I actually believe, based on what I've learned about the nutrition in grass, that it maybe was supposed to be, or at least serves as, what should be the main component of our diet, or the most nutritious diet for all animals. It has been reported to increase the blood cell counts; including red, white, platelet; in multiple cases of cancer patients. It has been reported to do amazing things like completely cure allergies. It has been reported to increase your metabolism, which is actually the way your body works when you are younger. As you age your metabolism decreases, which means that grass is obviously anti-aging.

Yes, it has iodine. Yes, it has a million other things. But what's important is the impact on the human body. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that malnourishment can cause depression and a distorted perception of reality being darker and more negative. Even when people have the same life, just the fact that they are malnourished can physically change their outlook to a more negative one! How many people in society today believe that the world is a horrible place and hate their lives, simply because they are malnourished and living in a society that knows nothing about what to eat?!

It's immune boosting properties somehow miraculously increase your body's ability to fight off fungal infections, which are basically impossible to beat any other way to my knowledge. They take weeks to fight off, normally, and can be as severe as a terrible cold or worse with pneumonia and even coughing up blood in the sputum. I actually can attest first hand that for some strange reason, wheatgrass will help clear this up literally within an hour after drinking it for the first time. I don't know why. I don't know what nutrients it has that make it do this. But it works. It's amazing.

That means that it would be a miracle worker for the Valley Fever that I mentioned in a previous article. It also only takes 7-10 days to grow to the height ready for harvesting.

I honestly don't know what else to say, other than I feel like thanking God for making such a beautiful Earth that we are blessed with such an amazing food to eat to be healthy. It truly is amazing.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Can Medical Marijuana Be Used to Treat Chronic Valley Fever Infection?

If you look online, there are many reports of people that suffer from Valley Fever. This is because it has the unusual quality of both being a fungus that infects people with a significant impact in many individuals, and also it is commonly present in the air outside. Many people may be aware of how bacterial and even viral infections can be managed with natural antibiotics and iodine in foods; however, fungal infections in the sinuses are one of the hardest to manage. In fact, there is evidence that fungal infections in the sinuses specifically are so difficult to manage that the only way to completely cure them can be to take away their source. The fact that the source cannot be taken away in the case of Valley Fever would explain why it is so difficult for many people to cure.

With a very high number of the prison population being infected, it makes sense because it would be difficult to find something to cure your ailment in the sinuses for fungus. Eating or ingesting orally is hardly enough to cure Valley Fever. It may help, but there is evidence that it only helps the most to inhale something that is antifungal.

There have been reports that some people who normally experience Valley Fever after heavy rains in the location where they live have actually not suffered from it while being prescribed medical marijuana for a completely different ailment. Upon being forced to stop smoking marijuana, there have been reports that they suffered greatly from Valley Fever once again.

I find it interesting to note that in every state except for Texas across the American Southwest Marijuana has been legalized in some form, either for medical use or recreational use. This also corresponds to the same area where Valley Fever is very common for the population to experience. I have to wonder if it is possible that marijuana could be used to treat Valley Fever, and also if the population there has already found this benefit in marijuana, partially leading to its legalization in the first place.

Valley fever can be so severe that people can be paralyzed from it. It can be fatal. It starts like the flu, but is very aggressive. The only other antifungal agent that can be inhaled would be the clove oil drenched cigar. However, because this method relies on the clove oil to be antifungal, while tobacco is not, it is more than likely going to be less effective than marijuana, which is in itself antifungal. The fact that there are people who are restricted access to marijuana, when facing a catastrophic illness such as Valley Fever, when it could be used to treat it successfully, is a gross negligence of the care of those people. Of course, it probably happens all the time. This illness, though not very well known, and there could even be similar ones in other countries and locations. Who knows, maybe this is even the real source of dengue fever, and it has nothing to do with mosquitoes... You will notice that they report that the dengue fever is caused by viruses that are somehow not contagious to other people. While viruses normally are in fact contagious, it is fungal infections of the sinuses that often present in this way where they are not contagious to other people, because they are caused by a certain source where the fungus is being produced. It is often the case where these fungal infections are misdiagnosed and treated as bacterial and viral infections to no avail, as well, because of their striking similarity in symptoms. Whatever the case may be, the fact that marijuana is restricted to individuals who could treat this but are unable for whatever reason is a gross negligence of the care of those people on the part of everyone involved.

*** Multivitamins can actually do well in helping to prevent valley fever, in further study. Marijuana could possibly aid it...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Unknown Dangers of Artificially Added Vitamin C

     I personally am not a big fan of any artificial vitamins. Studies have shown that Vitamin K, for example, cannot even be absorbed artificially. If you look at artificially isolated iodine, then it can be extremely toxic at high levels.

      Unfortunately, in spite of all of the hoopla surrounding the immune system boosting benefits of vitamin C, in addition to the claims that it fights jaundice; the fact remains that when you artificially isolate even organic ingredients and add them in artificial concentrations, danger ensues. In this case, they do it quite often. Vitamin C is added to nearly every fruit juice under the sun nowadays, so much so that they make sure you have at least 130% of the daily value. It seems excessive even by their own standards, often times. Why not just add 100%?

        However, no matter what percent, the fact remains that vitamin C artificially added can cause blood in the sinus mucus. I'm not exactly sure how the scientific mechanism works that causes this, but there is proof that when consumed, it can cause blood in the sinus mucus. The higher the concentration ingested, the more blood there is. Sometimes it can take the form of bloody boogers, but it can simply just be a noticeable amount of blood in the snot or sinus mucus.

        I hope that you don't think that this is fake or that I am making this up, with all of the fake news today. This is a very real issue, and it is one that the FDA has neither brought to light, nor made the public aware in any way. It is so common for this to be added to things, that it is quite alarming. I hope that my informing you can help you make the best decisions when buying things as a consumer.