Note:*** I am uncertain about the nature of wheatgrass in our diet at this time. This is an article for the purpose of hypothesizing. Read and eat at your own risk. Thank you.
I have long touted the amazing health benefits of seaweed. Research has pointed to iodine being beneficial to prevent breast cancer. I have noticed that iodine will help to lessen the severity of colds significantly, if incorporated into your daily regimen. However, what is great about iodine in seaweed is that you can't overdose on it the same way you can overdose on man-made iodine. I have been eating .6 oz of seaweed a day just to get the vitamin D that is in seaweed, of which there is a very high amount (one of the, if not the highest source). I discovered this after reading about research on seaweed that referred to how it has vitamin D3, which is a less developed version and they weren't sure if it would work well in people. It does. It works great. I can tell, because I can feel my teeth growing a measurable amount with my tongue.
Although many animals graze on seaweed that live in the sea, I started to think about how humans are actually supposed to live on land. Then, I started thinking, "What is the most basic food for animals on land that would be similar to seaweed?" At first, I just thought, "Plants." Then, after some more thought, I realized that it could be grass.
When I was young, we were taught in school that only cows could eat grass, because they had a four chamber stomach that could break it down. Literally, they told me specifically that humans could not eat grass! However, there are many articles today that will explain that the cellulose in grass (that they claim we can't break down) is actually just the scientific name for fiber, the healthy nutrient that's great for us!
So, I started reading about wheatgrass, one of the only grasses that people will eat. It's hilarious, because they actually drink it in a powdered (whole leaf or juice concentrate) or juiced form. Imagine the humans of yesterday coming into our society and seeing us refusing to eat the most nutritious thing on earth, except for in a powder; a tiny high priced, seemingly only a luxury item type of version. It's funny if you think about it. Everyone is always afraid of people going hungry, and so they feed them all of this food. Then, suddenly you realize that compared to grass, all other food is practically like a complete waste of time.
I actually believe, based on what I've learned about the nutrition in grass, that it maybe was supposed to be, or at least serves as, what should be the main component of our diet, or the most nutritious diet for all animals. It has been reported to increase the blood cell counts; including red, white, platelet; in multiple cases of cancer patients. It has been reported to do amazing things like completely cure allergies. It has been reported to increase your metabolism, which is actually the way your body works when you are younger. As you age your metabolism decreases, which means that grass is obviously anti-aging.
Yes, it has iodine. Yes, it has a million other things. But what's important is the impact on the human body. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that malnourishment can cause depression and a distorted perception of reality being darker and more negative. Even when people have the same life, just the fact that they are malnourished can physically change their outlook to a more negative one! How many people in society today believe that the world is a horrible place and hate their lives, simply because they are malnourished and living in a society that knows nothing about what to eat?!
It's immune boosting properties somehow miraculously increase your body's ability to fight off fungal infections, which are basically impossible to beat any other way to my knowledge. They take weeks to fight off, normally, and can be as severe as a terrible cold or worse with pneumonia and even coughing up blood in the sputum. I actually can attest first hand that for some strange reason, wheatgrass will help clear this up literally within an hour after drinking it for the first time. I don't know why. I don't know what nutrients it has that make it do this. But it works. It's amazing.
That means that it would be a miracle worker for the Valley Fever that I mentioned in a previous article. It also only takes 7-10 days to grow to the height ready for harvesting.
I honestly don't know what else to say, other than I feel like thanking God for making such a beautiful Earth that we are blessed with such an amazing food to eat to be healthy. It truly is amazing.