Hello, everyone! First of all, I just want to thank everyone for their great support from my district, as I began the path toward becoming an elected leader in the House of Representatives. There was a tremendous outpouring of support, which reinforced my belief in humanity and all American citizens: that they are good people that want to help everyone, all poor people included.
New evidence from my statistical research has shown a possible reason for the difference in job quality. An earlier article mentioned the overall problem that has been created from the shortage of money supply in the American economy. I showed how there isn't even enough money to support all of the people's savings for life operations, as well as business savings for operation costs.
I showed how the rate of hiring between companies is actually relatively similar. Interestingly enough, I was able to calculate the average hiring rate from a random sample of companies, and extrapolating it gave me an accurate estimation of the total jobs in America. By cross-checking this number with the current figures stated for the amount of total jobs in America today, I was able to find that the ratio of hiring to operational savings costs remains fairly consistent across the entire market. The extrapolation was almost exactly equal to the current figures.
This provides interesting information in relation to the number of jobs that a company creates, but leaves out the idea of job quality completely. For example, some jobs come with perks, vacations, and a high salary. Others come with minimum wage and that is all.
Many people often think that this has to do with some kind of lack of appreciation of certain workers in certain jobs. I have even thought that myself in the past. However, after several years of research into the matter, it appears that there may be some kind of statistical explanation for this. The reason once again seems to lie in operation costs of a business.
For example, Walmart may only make a small profit off of each item sold, but they also have to keep an incredibly high number of stores running. When you factor in that they also have built many of these stores from scratch, it becomes very clear that the cost of the utilities and construction of all of these stores is probably pretty high. Combine that with a low profit off of each item sold, and you only are able to hire the majority of employees at minimum wage to be safe.
A company in Silicon Valley; however, may be able to hire a large number of employees with only one office needed, because they have a product that is a website or some kind of product that they can sell in stores. They only need research laboratories, office equipment and computers, and to pay for manufacturing costs, perhaps. Companies can either manufacture themselves, or they probably often times export the manufacturing to competing manufacturing businesses. These manufacturing businesses are competing with each other to offer the best price to buyers in the industry. They know that the person buying wants to make a profit, so they try to offer a per unit cost that is low. They can also get a substantially higher amount of business with lower pricing.
Meanwhile, manufacturing facilities use a lot of energy, and they have to invest a substantial amount in equipment and raw materials. This is while they are trying to keep the price low. Once again, this produces low-income jobs.
Microsoft and Facebook probably give people great jobs, but then their products probably have lower operational costs, considering that the magic of their products is mostly made of a vast number of lines of code. With storage capabilities becoming cheaper and more efficient by the day, it is possible that they can run with relatively low operational costs compared to Walmart or a manufacturing facility (that has to buy large amounts of raw materials and keep the price low at the same time).
The only way for companies with higher production costs to increase the quality of their jobs for all workers would be to increase the price of the product, and then to use the extra profits to supplement the income for the workers. Then, hopefully a situation arises where the buyers would be willing to pay a higher price for the sake of the workers, while the difference in lost profit did not matter as much as supporting the lives of the workers; or the other companies also kept their prices at the same high level to prevent the loss of business to the others.
Increased stress on businesses to garner more purchases in an economy that is strained for the low money supply in the system would cause more businesses to try to lower their price further than the others, at the cost of the employees, in order to gain more business from the buyers or consumers. There is a limit to the demand, but no limit on the needs of people to make income. They can end up trying to compete for the demand by taking it away from the other businesses. This could be good, everyone believes, because it can drive them to try to make a better product or at a lower price. I don't know if that is true or not, because it seems like people would want to make a high quality product anyway. It is definitely true, though, that the effort to produce cheaply is very competitive and a necessity for many businesses to get business. This would make sense in a economic system that is strained for the low money supply, where cheap costs would be the highest necessity. Unfortunately, this would come down on the heads of the very workers who work so hard to provide these goods and services.
There is no way for companies such as manufacturing facilities and Walmart to increase their prices at the moment, without potentially losing their entire profitability through the loss of buyers of their product. Much of their ability to gain business comes from the needs and wants of people to buy things cheaply. It would also be possible to be mad at the buyers for wanting to buy things as cheap as possible, but keep in mind that this is just how they are able to stay in operation. The amount of hiring is consistent across companies, compared with how much money they save to stay in operation.
It may be possible one day, if I succeed in taking the strain off of the monetary shortage in society, that maybe they will be able to charge higher prices without it mattering as much to consumers. In doing so, they would be able to take better care of their employees. They could even use that as part of their pitch, that they actually do take really good care of their employees that make this high quality product. Many people would be willing to support a company like that; however, with the shortage of money supply so dramatic and enormous consequences for those who run out of money, that day is no doubt a long ways away as cheap prices continue to be one of the most important factors of a purchase, if not the most important factor.
These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases, as the authors do not have a medical license. Please do not try anything mentioned here or try at your own risk. A lot of research is needed to confirm these theories and observations. Talk to a doctor before trying anything and regularly. It is for entertainment and for the purpose of expanding accurate information.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
New Evidence Suggests Contradictions to Theories About Destruction of the Economy From Increased Money Supply
Everyone has said it at some point. If you increase the total amount of money in circulation, it will probably bring everything down. People will stop operating the grocery stores and trucks, and everyone will turn apocalyptic, breaking windows and looting.
New evidence contradicts this theory greatly. Counting all of the current debt that both Americans and the government holds, the amount of money in circulation has increased by 1,638%. To date, nothing has "come down" or "been brought down". On the other hand, the number of jobs has increased. It is estimated that it would only take a 9.18% increase from the total amount in circulation today to employ the remaining 13,448,000 people in the population that don't fit in any place of society today. Our final conclusion is that there is no evidence or reason to believe that this small increase would topple the economy, especially when there are no indicators that anything has become a problem after a 1,638% increase.
This means that we may be able to allow the remaining 13,448,000 people in America to participate in the free market, if they want. It would just take the small increase mentioned before, as well as some kind of method of making the increase permanent, instead of relying on accumulated debt.
New evidence contradicts this theory greatly. Counting all of the current debt that both Americans and the government holds, the amount of money in circulation has increased by 1,638%. To date, nothing has "come down" or "been brought down". On the other hand, the number of jobs has increased. It is estimated that it would only take a 9.18% increase from the total amount in circulation today to employ the remaining 13,448,000 people in the population that don't fit in any place of society today. Our final conclusion is that there is no evidence or reason to believe that this small increase would topple the economy, especially when there are no indicators that anything has become a problem after a 1,638% increase.
This means that we may be able to allow the remaining 13,448,000 people in America to participate in the free market, if they want. It would just take the small increase mentioned before, as well as some kind of method of making the increase permanent, instead of relying on accumulated debt.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
New Evidence Suggests More Problems in US Economic Woes
With the amount of money per capita in America still decreasing, due to a long-term growing population, it seems that poverty in America is still inevitable due to operating costs of doing business, the necessity of savings for personal things like college and retirement, the pursuit of wealth to increase quality of life, and the loss of some of that money in taxes every time it changes hands (when the government is not in debt).
For those who find themselves unable to get an income at all due to this shortage, the military is their only option, to which Congress said they may cut funding in the past. Ironically, it was this same "expense cutting" that was taking place in Germany right before Hitler came into power with promises of fixing the struggling economy in the country.
The Problem That Has Never Been Solved
For some reason, this problem of having a shortage of money in the economy has never been solved. It was the reason for the French Revolution, and it is the reason for widespread racism and hatred. It could be considered to be one factor of the real reason behind WWII and the holocaust.
Less quantity of money in a society has always been believed to create a stronger currency that is worth more, making people literally too scared to increase the quantity. The costs of operation of business, as well as the numerous reasons that money has to change hands in daily life including high cost of housing, result in people needing to save more money to be able to live with the basic necessities.
Why Can't We See This Phenomenon Taking Place
The issue of how much money any given person has in their bank account has always been a personal topic never discussed by anyone. Everyone knows some people who have a decent amount of money, and they can see past that idea that they should be angry at someone simply because they have more pieces of paper. However, the problems that can be created by the shortage of money per person resulting in some people having so little are drastic. Identically, the problems of what someone stands to lose by having less than the $4,000 per person is detrimental to the life of that generous person who is doing the right thing, especially with inflation having raised prices so high now that that amount per person wouldn't be enough to live with the basic necessities.
Just as very few people even know that the total amount of American currency in circulation is $1.4 trillion, even fewer are able to shuffle that money around to reach every citizen. As the population continues to grow, as housing prices rise, as the country becomes more debt ridden trying to provide enough for everyone, it becomes embroiled in controversy over a variety of things as they try to discriminate on who will get the money that's left to go around. This struggle translates to frustration and anger in the lives of innocent citizens every day.
Sure, we see the guy living on the street at the old age of 68, but we don't see this phenomenon taking place. That money is hidden in the bank accounts of wealthy people saving money in their IRA's and 401k's, and trust funds for the kids and kids college. The government encourages everyone to spend little and save more and more, but there are no discouragements or penalties for saving vast amounts of money for a long time. This makes the loss of wealth, for those who aren't included in the circulation, long-term. Unfortunately, this is an enormous amount of people.
For those who find themselves unable to get an income at all due to this shortage, the military is their only option, to which Congress said they may cut funding in the past. Ironically, it was this same "expense cutting" that was taking place in Germany right before Hitler came into power with promises of fixing the struggling economy in the country.
The Problem That Has Never Been Solved
For some reason, this problem of having a shortage of money in the economy has never been solved. It was the reason for the French Revolution, and it is the reason for widespread racism and hatred. It could be considered to be one factor of the real reason behind WWII and the holocaust.
Less quantity of money in a society has always been believed to create a stronger currency that is worth more, making people literally too scared to increase the quantity. The costs of operation of business, as well as the numerous reasons that money has to change hands in daily life including high cost of housing, result in people needing to save more money to be able to live with the basic necessities.
Why Can't We See This Phenomenon Taking Place
The issue of how much money any given person has in their bank account has always been a personal topic never discussed by anyone. Everyone knows some people who have a decent amount of money, and they can see past that idea that they should be angry at someone simply because they have more pieces of paper. However, the problems that can be created by the shortage of money per person resulting in some people having so little are drastic. Identically, the problems of what someone stands to lose by having less than the $4,000 per person is detrimental to the life of that generous person who is doing the right thing, especially with inflation having raised prices so high now that that amount per person wouldn't be enough to live with the basic necessities.
Just as very few people even know that the total amount of American currency in circulation is $1.4 trillion, even fewer are able to shuffle that money around to reach every citizen. As the population continues to grow, as housing prices rise, as the country becomes more debt ridden trying to provide enough for everyone, it becomes embroiled in controversy over a variety of things as they try to discriminate on who will get the money that's left to go around. This struggle translates to frustration and anger in the lives of innocent citizens every day.
Sure, we see the guy living on the street at the old age of 68, but we don't see this phenomenon taking place. That money is hidden in the bank accounts of wealthy people saving money in their IRA's and 401k's, and trust funds for the kids and kids college. The government encourages everyone to spend little and save more and more, but there are no discouragements or penalties for saving vast amounts of money for a long time. This makes the loss of wealth, for those who aren't included in the circulation, long-term. Unfortunately, this is an enormous amount of people.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Real Unemployment and Data on the Modern U.S. Economy
New research suggests the real unemployment rate is around 4.16%. The following is a spreadsheet of some of the analysis of economic data, followed by comments and suggestions for improving the economy.
1. We conclude that the difference between the percentage of monetary pie taken and the percentage of the population hired can be divided by the total percentage of monetary pie taken to give us the extrapolated estimate of total people either unemployed or government employed in the U.S. today. This is currently estimated at 90.24% of citizens, but it does include people under the age of 18 and full-time college students. After subtracting underage workers and full-time students, the real unemployment rate is approximately 4.16%.
1a. Assuming a decent sample, that this same proportion could hold true for all companies in the U.S is assumed.
1b. Unfortunately, this shows that on average, companies cannot replenish the same percentage of citizens with jobs as the percentage of circulating money they take. This is understandable, because they have to spend money on many things to conduct business, in addition to paying taxes and fees. This sample included some of the biggest employers in the world, including both minimum wage jobs and high quality jobs.
1c. It could be impossible, but is definitely not statistically occuring where 100% of people
are employed, even if 100% of the money in circulation were in the hands of employers. That is bad, because it means that even if given 100% of the money in circulation, today's employers would not be able to hire 100% of the population. There could be a variety of reasons for this. Obviously, there are a number of costs in conducting business operations. There are also many other taxes and fees that they must pay.
2. It could be due to too small an amount of total money in circulation. If the total amount in circulation were a larger amount, then I think it would be reasonable to expect that in taking the exact same percentage of that larger total, they would possibly be able to hire a larger percentage of employees.
2a. We can extrapolate the data of this to estimate exactly how much money in circulation would be needed to hire 100% of the U.S. population.
2b. Estimating that 70,000,000 people are on Soc. Security/Disability and 36.49% are employed by the government, 110 million people remain unemployed. After subtracting 20.6 million full-time college students; 74,613,000 people under the age of 18; and 1,339,000 full-time graduate students; the total that remain unemployed stands at approximately 13,448,000. This is the real unemployment rate, which is 4.16% of the total population.
2c. It would take $2,111,462,677,712.06 added to the money in circulation to result in the hire of the rest of those unemployed people today, assuming that 100% of it were spent and given to companies.
2d. Data relating to the massive amount of Consumer Debt that has been incurred by the citizens of the United States, estimated by the Federal Reserve to be $3,533,000,000,000 in 2015, supports the idea that the U.S. Citizens are in trouble financially. The amount of Consumer Debt seems to be more than double the current total amount of money in circulation. Unfortunately, Americans are not able to buy all of the things that they need and want, without avoiding large amounts of debt. That points to a state of recession or even depression in the economy.
3. It is reasonable to conclude from this data that after the threshold of the figure in 2c added to the total amount of consumer debt plus government debt is reached for the total amount of money in circulation, both the government and all consumers will begin getting surplus dollars. That means that the deficit problem in government would be solved in addition to the consumer debt crisis.
3a. The benefits of such an addition to the American Economy would be extremely beneficial in relation to less restrictions and freedom on American life and business, improved quality of goods and services (due to better choice making possible for more individuals regardless of higher price), improved job quality (due to the possibility of higher selectiveness of employees without required dependence), and overall improved quality of life for all (in a great increase).
3b. One possible approach to adding this money into circulation effectively would be through direct payments to taxpayers.
3ba. It is possible, if not a certainty, that through this method 100% of the money will not be invested in new businesses, because many people will save some of the money for personal savings. It is probable that quite a bit of it will be saved in this way.
3c. Because it is so vital for a currency to continue to be accepted by all businesses and persons, it may require a reattachment to the gold standard for a period of time, until people accept it once again.
4. It is impossible to gather data on personal savings information, as it is private data. Because of the lack of this information, as well as several other factors such as the influx of money from other countries, these numbers are all only an estimation. They are not perfectly accurate, therefore.
4a. However, because the employment data reflects a higher total employment number than these numbers would indicate, even after factoring in personal savings, this indicates that the totals for increasing the money supply to a sufficient level are actually an overestimation.
4aa. Considering that the overestimation in this case is fairly small to a reasonable degree, as well as that there is the potential for other countries to need any money that we have brought into our economy, the overall effect of the input of these estimations would show a more positive than expected response.
5. To estimate the need six years from now as a target, the average of the population increase as well as a rough average of expected immigration was taken into account. The new total for six years from now was $3,367,538,036,255.82 to hire the rest of the nation's unemployed.
5b. Based off of the information in 5a, our best recommendation for implementation would be a direct payment to all American citizens, either once a year or quarterly, that equals in summation the following amounts per year:
1. We conclude that the difference between the percentage of monetary pie taken and the percentage of the population hired can be divided by the total percentage of monetary pie taken to give us the extrapolated estimate of total people either unemployed or government employed in the U.S. today. This is currently estimated at 90.24% of citizens, but it does include people under the age of 18 and full-time college students. After subtracting underage workers and full-time students, the real unemployment rate is approximately 4.16%.
1a. Assuming a decent sample, that this same proportion could hold true for all companies in the U.S is assumed.
1b. Unfortunately, this shows that on average, companies cannot replenish the same percentage of citizens with jobs as the percentage of circulating money they take. This is understandable, because they have to spend money on many things to conduct business, in addition to paying taxes and fees. This sample included some of the biggest employers in the world, including both minimum wage jobs and high quality jobs.
1c. It could be impossible, but is definitely not statistically occuring where 100% of people
are employed, even if 100% of the money in circulation were in the hands of employers. That is bad, because it means that even if given 100% of the money in circulation, today's employers would not be able to hire 100% of the population. There could be a variety of reasons for this. Obviously, there are a number of costs in conducting business operations. There are also many other taxes and fees that they must pay.
2. It could be due to too small an amount of total money in circulation. If the total amount in circulation were a larger amount, then I think it would be reasonable to expect that in taking the exact same percentage of that larger total, they would possibly be able to hire a larger percentage of employees.
2a. We can extrapolate the data of this to estimate exactly how much money in circulation would be needed to hire 100% of the U.S. population.
2b. Estimating that 70,000,000 people are on Soc. Security/Disability and 36.49% are employed by the government, 110 million people remain unemployed. After subtracting 20.6 million full-time college students; 74,613,000 people under the age of 18; and 1,339,000 full-time graduate students; the total that remain unemployed stands at approximately 13,448,000. This is the real unemployment rate, which is 4.16% of the total population.
2c. It would take $2,111,462,677,712.06 added to the money in circulation to result in the hire of the rest of those unemployed people today, assuming that 100% of it were spent and given to companies.
2d. Data relating to the massive amount of Consumer Debt that has been incurred by the citizens of the United States, estimated by the Federal Reserve to be $3,533,000,000,000 in 2015, supports the idea that the U.S. Citizens are in trouble financially. The amount of Consumer Debt seems to be more than double the current total amount of money in circulation. Unfortunately, Americans are not able to buy all of the things that they need and want, without avoiding large amounts of debt. That points to a state of recession or even depression in the economy.
3. It is reasonable to conclude from this data that after the threshold of the figure in 2c added to the total amount of consumer debt plus government debt is reached for the total amount of money in circulation, both the government and all consumers will begin getting surplus dollars. That means that the deficit problem in government would be solved in addition to the consumer debt crisis.
3a. The benefits of such an addition to the American Economy would be extremely beneficial in relation to less restrictions and freedom on American life and business, improved quality of goods and services (due to better choice making possible for more individuals regardless of higher price), improved job quality (due to the possibility of higher selectiveness of employees without required dependence), and overall improved quality of life for all (in a great increase).
3b. One possible approach to adding this money into circulation effectively would be through direct payments to taxpayers.
3ba. It is possible, if not a certainty, that through this method 100% of the money will not be invested in new businesses, because many people will save some of the money for personal savings. It is probable that quite a bit of it will be saved in this way.
3c. Because it is so vital for a currency to continue to be accepted by all businesses and persons, it may require a reattachment to the gold standard for a period of time, until people accept it once again.
4. It is impossible to gather data on personal savings information, as it is private data. Because of the lack of this information, as well as several other factors such as the influx of money from other countries, these numbers are all only an estimation. They are not perfectly accurate, therefore.
4a. However, because the employment data reflects a higher total employment number than these numbers would indicate, even after factoring in personal savings, this indicates that the totals for increasing the money supply to a sufficient level are actually an overestimation.
4aa. Considering that the overestimation in this case is fairly small to a reasonable degree, as well as that there is the potential for other countries to need any money that we have brought into our economy, the overall effect of the input of these estimations would show a more positive than expected response.
5. To estimate the need six years from now as a target, the average of the population increase as well as a rough average of expected immigration was taken into account. The new total for six years from now was $3,367,538,036,255.82 to hire the rest of the nation's unemployed.
5b. Based off of the information in 5a, our best recommendation for implementation would be a direct payment to all American citizens, either once a year or quarterly, that equals in summation the following amounts per year:
5ba. After six years, the amount of money in circulation should meet at least the minimum needs of the population, after which it can be updated to continue to meet the needs of the growing population periodically; as well as updated to greater amounts, if it seems a better outcome comes from greater surpluses in government and the population.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
New Evidence Points to Physical Characteristics in Rays of Light
New evidence points to physical characteristics in stable rays of light, such as the ability to be physically bent with a physical touch of a finger.
In several studies, a subject was asked to stare at a light source, including the backlight of a computer screen and a nightlight. The subject was then asked to use their index finger to try to bend the light ray entering their eye from the light source at a distance of 3.5 inches from their face. They then reported whether they could see the bending of the light rays coming from the light source.
In the majority of cases (in a dark room), it was reported that the bending of the visible light rays entering the eye from the light source could be seen with the naked eye with both the computer screen (small 1 square inch image on a white background was bent from a distance of 3 feet) and the night light (from a distance of 10 feet).
In the majority of cases where the light rays were not directly from a light source, but reflected off of something that could be seen in the light at night reflected in the room (that was not very reflective nor directly illuminated, only backlit), no bending of visible light rays could be seen.
It was also reported that the light ray seemed to reach a point where it would not bend any further, and that quick movement through the light ray seemed to result in a short vibration of the ray.
In several studies, a subject was asked to stare at a light source, including the backlight of a computer screen and a nightlight. The subject was then asked to use their index finger to try to bend the light ray entering their eye from the light source at a distance of 3.5 inches from their face. They then reported whether they could see the bending of the light rays coming from the light source.
In the majority of cases (in a dark room), it was reported that the bending of the visible light rays entering the eye from the light source could be seen with the naked eye with both the computer screen (small 1 square inch image on a white background was bent from a distance of 3 feet) and the night light (from a distance of 10 feet).
In the majority of cases where the light rays were not directly from a light source, but reflected off of something that could be seen in the light at night reflected in the room (that was not very reflective nor directly illuminated, only backlit), no bending of visible light rays could be seen.
It was also reported that the light ray seemed to reach a point where it would not bend any further, and that quick movement through the light ray seemed to result in a short vibration of the ray.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
New Plan for Economic Stimulus Worldwide
Updated 2/17/2016 for additional content.
Median income is defined as the current median income right now in February of 2016.
The All Business Grant Plan
To aid in the pursuit of happiness, and to
improve economic systems worldwide.
Section 1. The Grass Roots Economic Stimulus Plan
The idea is that we pay $6,000 in U.S.
Dollars or the respective currency of the country or region to every single
person in the world, after asking permission from every country or region.
This is to be written by check from the name
U.S. Government.
Section 2. Taxes
The plan is not to raise taxes at all to pay
for this venture. You may believe that is crazy, but the goal is to raise the
amount of money in circulation worldwide to reduce the current shortage. We
will have asked the Federal Reserve Bank for permission to make this change.
b. See Section 5.
b. See Section 5.
Section 3. The All Business Grant Plan
The plan is to provide a start-up stimulus to
small businesses in the form of a one-time grant of $100,000. An unlimited number of small businesses must
be allowed to start-up, with a few requirements
that have to be satisfied.
The first requirement states that all owners must have to complete education
for one year in the field that they choose that relates to the field of the
business, with a second year encouraged. The plan is to pay for those private
education expenses, as well as a stipend that covers all living expenses while
they study. It is stated that during the time of education, they are allowed to
be working on the business with the funds provided; although, they will be
required to attend the education for the first year, reporting the proof, with
the second year not being required, but still paid. Infinite education also must be paid for it says. It finally states that if
they can show proof that they attended already, then that satisfies the
The second requirement is that the
Unincorporated Group must have completed a Business Plan. This plan must have a
valid product or service and general hours of availability, a valid pricing
plan (by the standard of either low-cost options or high differentiated options),
and an investment plan (on what they will invest money in to make the business
better). It also has to have budget planning projecting that it will be able to
stay open for at least a year.
c. This grant states that the business owners and employees can all still walk away at any time to pursue a new business or for any reason. It says that is allowed.
4. Description of Funding and Paying Processes
The Grass Roots Stimulus Plan
1a. After asking for permission from the
Federal Reserve Bank, The Grass Roots Stimulus Plan amount of $6,000 is to be
sent by check to everyone with a social security number by mail on file, with
the name U.S. Government as the sender.
The All Grant Business Plan
1a. After asking for permission from the
Federal Reserve Bank to print the extra money for this economic stimulus, we
will connect with the public through the banks. In the banks, a bank employee
or employee of the government will meet with the Unincorporated Group, approve
them for satisfying the requirements, and then write them a check for the
amount (funded by the U.S. Government/Fed), with the guarantee that they will
send proof of the education and the business to an address that we give them,
reporting on a quarterly basis. All of these documents must be analyzed and
statistics can be made reporting on what percentage of people successfully started
a new business.
5. Reasons for Not Raising Taxes to “Pay for It”
Research suggests that this is the best way
to stimulate the current economy, where shortage of money is lowering the
amount of freedom in the free market. Because the want and need for more money
than can be split evenly between every citizen, a struggle arises between them
even, where they fight each other over the lack of enough money.
If taxes were raised to pay for it, then it
would be reducing the amount by which we are increasing the amount of money in
circulation. It would therefore be doing exactly the opposite of what we were
trying to accomplish.
There arises a conflict of interest between
the need for more money by businesses to stay in operation and the interest of
providing happiness rather than trying to gain more money in the interaction
with customers.
The public is in desperate need of more money
in circulation, where poverty stricken people live in the streets without
showers as a direct result of the quest for increasing wealth.
6. Bailing Out All Businesses
This section states that any business that
fails to operate because of rent expenses or other expenses must be paid to
cover costs of the business expenses and rent, including existing businesses outside of any that received a government grant, as well as a stipend for living
expenses for the business owners and employees. This is at the sole choice of the owner, who
will say if they want to continue operating. It states that the living expenses
amount should be equal to the current median income.
b. This section also states that if the business manages to make enough to pay rent, but doesn't make enough to pay the owners & employees the median income, then a grant will be paid that makes their income equal to the median income. It states that if the business manages to make enough to pay the owners and employees more than the median income, then no further grants will be given. A recommendation for an award of some kind would be suitable.
c. It states that if for any reason the owner or employees do not get the current median income, then that will be paid in the form of a check.
b. This section also states that if the business manages to make enough to pay rent, but doesn't make enough to pay the owners & employees the median income, then a grant will be paid that makes their income equal to the median income. It states that if the business manages to make enough to pay the owners and employees more than the median income, then no further grants will be given. A recommendation for an award of some kind would be suitable.
c. It states that if for any reason the owner or employees do not get the current median income, then that will be paid in the form of a check.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Further Research Confirms That Gravity Is Either Very Similar or Directly Related to Polarity
Further research in Los Angeles, CA continues to suggest that gravity may be directly tied to polarity. This would somewhat disprove commonly held beliefs about gravity that have been around for a very long time.
The research concluded that density is tied to whether objects sink or float. However, it wouldn't make sense for objects to have a greater pull, when gravity acts at the same rate on objects of different weights. This contradicts the possibility that displacement may be occurring.
We can conclude, claiming fair confidence in the following being fact, that the proximity of the atoms and molecules is what causes a stronger pull, with particles closer in proximity causing a stronger pull and vice versa. We can also conclude that this is the exact same relationship to positive and negative magnetic attraction, and also that the relationship of gravitational pulls being exponential in nature, in regards to distance, are the same as polarity as well. That means that there is more evidence to discover possibly to prove this theory further.
A stronger pull may lead you to believe that again displacement is occurring. However, the stronger pull only matters when you are trying to lift against it, in which case you have to move all of the atoms of which there are a higher concentration. Until then, evidence suggests that the gravitational pull on objects of different weights is the same.
We have stated other evidence exists in regards to the Earth having a magnetic field, and this magnetic field having been very strong and prominent for a long time.
Recommendations for Further Research
I think that maybe this could be applied to building some kind of hovering technology. Considering that most magnets are not strong enough to repel against the strength of the giant magnet of Planet Earth, the feat of accomplishing this may be quite slim. I would recommend trying to make it as light as possible, with low-density material.
The research concluded that density is tied to whether objects sink or float. However, it wouldn't make sense for objects to have a greater pull, when gravity acts at the same rate on objects of different weights. This contradicts the possibility that displacement may be occurring.
We can conclude, claiming fair confidence in the following being fact, that the proximity of the atoms and molecules is what causes a stronger pull, with particles closer in proximity causing a stronger pull and vice versa. We can also conclude that this is the exact same relationship to positive and negative magnetic attraction, and also that the relationship of gravitational pulls being exponential in nature, in regards to distance, are the same as polarity as well. That means that there is more evidence to discover possibly to prove this theory further.
A stronger pull may lead you to believe that again displacement is occurring. However, the stronger pull only matters when you are trying to lift against it, in which case you have to move all of the atoms of which there are a higher concentration. Until then, evidence suggests that the gravitational pull on objects of different weights is the same.
We have stated other evidence exists in regards to the Earth having a magnetic field, and this magnetic field having been very strong and prominent for a long time.
Recommendations for Further Research
I think that maybe this could be applied to building some kind of hovering technology. Considering that most magnets are not strong enough to repel against the strength of the giant magnet of Planet Earth, the feat of accomplishing this may be quite slim. I would recommend trying to make it as light as possible, with low-density material.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
New Evidence of Chemicals Harmful to Mouth in Cigarettes and Toothpaste
There is new evidence of chemicals harmful to the mouth in Tobacco cigarettes and toothpaste. I think it is worth mentioning that Tobacco alone does not produce the same harm to the mouth. There is therefore some kind of additive chemical in most, if not all, commercial cigarettes. It may be similar to the one they add to toothpaste, because they both produce the same effect.
The symptoms of the harm include the expanding of cuts into large sores on the interior lining of the lips and mouth, that can increase to over a centimeter in size. There is no cure to the sores, and even when the exposure is stopped it can take at least a week to heal. If you fail to stop exposure, then they can grow more and more.
Again I want to mention the fact that Tobacco alone does not seem to produce the same harmful effect. Anecdotal research suggests that smoking Tobacco pure does not seem to have any adverse effect to healing.
The symptoms of the harm include the expanding of cuts into large sores on the interior lining of the lips and mouth, that can increase to over a centimeter in size. There is no cure to the sores, and even when the exposure is stopped it can take at least a week to heal. If you fail to stop exposure, then they can grow more and more.
Again I want to mention the fact that Tobacco alone does not seem to produce the same harmful effect. Anecdotal research suggests that smoking Tobacco pure does not seem to have any adverse effect to healing.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Research States that Iodine May Help in AIDS & HIV Virus Fight
Anecdotal research from Los Angeles, CA suggests that a similar problem with the onset of many severe illnesses presents itself with symptoms that appear very similar in nature to those of both cancer and the AIDS virus.
These symptoms are also very similar to those of a common cold, although they can get quite severe. The duration of these symptoms can last for two weeks or more, and quickly after getting over an illness, the person gets ill again over and over.
Each time they get ill, it is a new virus. Viruses can also cause severe diarrhea, as well as large cold sores.
This series of illnesses actually may be caused by iodine deficiency, one of the most common problems in both the developed and undeveloped world.
The research suggests that by eating foods that supply enough iodine, the same person can experience relief at minimum in the form of a large decrease in severity from the variety of viruses that they are experiencing.
We can then conclude that because getting the appropriate levels of iodine works to decrease the severity of all viruses, it would also decrease the severity of the AIDS or HIV virus as well as all other major viruses that cause problems in today's society.
Man made iodine that doesn't come from foods may have a higher chance of overdose. It may be bad to use the man made iodine, therefore, rather than from foods.
These symptoms are also very similar to those of a common cold, although they can get quite severe. The duration of these symptoms can last for two weeks or more, and quickly after getting over an illness, the person gets ill again over and over.
Each time they get ill, it is a new virus. Viruses can also cause severe diarrhea, as well as large cold sores.
This series of illnesses actually may be caused by iodine deficiency, one of the most common problems in both the developed and undeveloped world.
The research suggests that by eating foods that supply enough iodine, the same person can experience relief at minimum in the form of a large decrease in severity from the variety of viruses that they are experiencing.
We can then conclude that because getting the appropriate levels of iodine works to decrease the severity of all viruses, it would also decrease the severity of the AIDS or HIV virus as well as all other major viruses that cause problems in today's society.
Man made iodine that doesn't come from foods may have a higher chance of overdose. It may be bad to use the man made iodine, therefore, rather than from foods.
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